We’ve all had contests that we would kill to win. Whether its a high-dive meet for a shot at the podium, eating contest for the mustard belt or a putting contest for bragging rights the prize was only outweighed by the pride taken in the

Image Sam Adams
work – maybe not the eating contest.
However most contests really don’t offer something that is a true reward for winning where you get to show off your wares to the masses that is unless you are a home brewer. For the second year in a row, Sam Adams is offering one lucky brewer to have their liquid goodness poured at Gillette Stadium, home of the Patriots during the 2010 football season in their Patriot Home Brew Contest.
Now I may not like the Pats, or be the best brewer, but the contest is one hell of a way to hold bragging rights over your friends. Plus imagine toasting one of your brews at the opening kickoff or having it brewed over in Jamaica Plain and distributed to select liquor stores.
Sam Adams is the biggest micro-brewer in the US and may very well be the largest American brewer. I know you are thinking Bud, Coors and Miller, but all of them are now owned by foreign brewers. If you’re a brewer this might be your one chance to have your beer produced without having your house smell like a bakery and have the risk of exploding glass. Click here for the full contest rules.